More and more of you are choosing cleaner, smarter ways to power your homes. From solar panels to electric cars and home batteries, you're leading the way, transitioning to more sustainable energy sources and practices for a cleaner future.

To help you get the most out of your energy choices, we’re proposing a $175 million package to maximise the use of our existing network before we build anything new.

What you told us

  • You want to be empowered to make informed decisions regarding solar exports and prioritise self-consumption over export
  • You are concerned about the impact electrification may have on the stability of the grid
  • You recognise the potential of electric vehicles to support rapid decarbonisation and their economics due to rising fuel prices.
  • You consider power quality and network reliability as the most significant factors affecting commercial and business operations.

What we're proposing

To better understand these changes, including the urgency of any potential response, we developed an Electrification and CER Integration Strategy. Our strategy involves better understanding the potential customer and network impacts, with enhanced forecasting capabilities and exhausting all possible low-cost solutions, including using our existing infrastructure. We then optimise any remaining economic constraints and undertake no-regrets investments that enable customers to derive value from their CER.

Better understanding customer impacts

We've developed better forecasting tools. By using data from smart meters, customer feedback and weather forecasts, we'll be able to better understand and predict your energy needs.

Exhausting all possible low cost solutions

We are continuing to evolve the range of solutions we use to support the uptake of customer electrification.

We will be introducing flexible export products designed to allow you to export additional solar power through smarter solutions. By getting the most out of our network we can all contribute to a greener, more sustainable future - working smarter, not harder, to maximise solar. We will prepare for flexible load in 2026-2031.

Optimising remaining augmentation

Once intelligent solutions have been exhausted, we'll use augmentation to continue to deliver high quality services for customers through the energy transition.

What this means for you

Our proposal enables customers to derive more value from their investments. It maintains strong quality of supply that enables EV charging and minimises reliability impacts while ensuring regional and rural customers are not left behind.

95% of customers can freely export 99% of the time

  • Supports achievement of net-zero targets
  • Recognises that economic augmentation for export is limited

All customers can export up to network limits

  • All export customers can export using available network capacity rather than reserving capacity for some customers and using static zero export limits for other customers.
  • We’ll ensure customers can export as much as possible while maintaining safety and reliability.

All customers have universal access to standard wall charging

  • All customers can charge EVs using standard wall plugs.
  • Availability to connect level 2 chargers remains dependent on network capacity
  • Flexible load products are expected to create future levers to facilitate more fast charging and shift charging away from peak periods.

Maintain voltage compliance to protect all customers as CER uptake grows

  • We will deliver strong power quality and reliable supply for customers as EVs reduce local network reliability over time and create additional outages.
  • Adhering to mandatory voltage compliance obligations will maintain high-quality service levels for export and load.

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