The United Energy network is made up of 11,000 commercial and industrial customers. These customers are currently defined as non-residential customers with a maximum demand above 120kVA. They include customers connected to the low voltage, high voltage and sub-transmission levels of the distribution network. These customers have specific needs and a key partner for us in the energy transition.
What you told us
Reliability, safety and resilienceTo stay connected with uninterrupted and safe electricity supply that can withstand extreme weather.
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Affordability and equityEveryone to have access to the electricity supply they value, regardless of where they live or work.
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Energy transitionTo shift towards more sustainable energy sources and practices for a cleaner future.
What we're proposing
We're investing $1.3 billion on what our customers want between 2026 and 2031. As part of this, we propose to change the threshold for commercial and industrial customers from 120 kVA to 160 MWh per year to:
- align to the demand tariff opt-out threshold set by the Victorian government
- make it easier to ensure you’re on the right tariff for your business.
We propose no change to the structure of commercial and industrial tariffs because we think they strike the right balance between cost-reflectivity and simplicity and maintain tariff stability for our customers.
Increased access to relationship managers for commercial and industrial customers | Uplifting our cyber security protocols to minimise the risk of a material cyber breach | Proactive electrification program that will improve capacity across the network | |||
Improved availability of network data, and support to analyse and interpret information | Upgrading core IT infrastructure to integrate with new technologies | Establishing a demand management platform to provide opportunities for lower cost non-network alternatives |
Have your say
You're invited to have your say on our draft proposal, before we submit the final plan to the Australian Energy Regulator for approval in January 2025. There are a few ways to get involved depending on your time and preferences.
Request an interview with usWe are inviting our commercial and industrial customers to take part in a face to face interview about their needs and preferences. If you would like arrange a time, please contact us via the link below.Click here to request and interview | |
Attend our online townhall on Wednesday 16 October, 12pm-2pmLearn about the draft regulatory proposal directly from United Energy's leadership team, and have the opportunity to ask questions and share your feedback.Click here to register for the online townhall | |
Submit a feedback formIf you have feedback and ideas on the draft regulatory proposal, please submit them here. We'll consider them as we revise and finalise the draft proposal.Click here to submit an online form |