
Regulatory reset retailer forum

5 February 2025

In October 2024, we partnered with Powercor and CitiPower to run an online forum addressing energy retailers across our networks.

We spoke to these stakeholders to better understand the main challenges and opportunities they see for the tariff reforms in the 2026-2031 regulatory reset period, particularly around new tariff structures for residential and non-residential customers.

What they told us

We heard that the key themes identified by our retail stakeholders are the alignment of tariffs across distributors, simplicity and consistency of tariffs and the adaption of network tariffs for the energy transition.

We are taking this feedback on board by:

  • aligning medium business tariffs to be consistent across our three networks
  • continuing the flat rate and controlled load tariffs, providing simplicity and consistency of existing tariffs
  • including new flexible and cost-reflective tariffs designed by the network to support the energy transition, such as a new Time of Use tariff and Consumer Energy Resource tariff.

To find out more about this forum we have uploaded below the PowerPoint slides and the Q&As

Next steps

We are currently preparing to submit the final draft of our 2026-2031 regulatory proposal to the Australia Energy Regulator. Once submitted, the proposal will be available on this website and there will be more opportunities to get involved and have your say.

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